released its next edition of productivity
boosting, research enhancing Qualitative Text
Analytics management software – Doc-Tags v2.0.
The software product that rips apart any textual
content distilling that content to nothing but
the bare contextually accurate qualitative facts.
Research Community Doubles Productivity
The Mueller Report – The Bare Facts in Minutes
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, December 2019 - The Facts
and Only The Contextually Accurate Qualitative Facts
that's what Doc-Tags v2.0 promises to deliver.
From the makers of xAIgent and the renowned developer's
ERP Gantt Style Drag and Drop Enterprise Resource
Planning and Scheduling commercial component software
company, DBI Technologies Inc. today has released it's
next edition of productivity boosting, research
enhancing Qualitative Text Analytics management software
– Doc-Tags v2.0. The software product that rips apart
any textual content distilling that content to nothing
but the bare contextually accurate qualitative facts.
Using patent-backed Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Learning technology, Doc-Tags (xAIgent) understands the
construct of human language allowing for the target
content to be parsed, in context of itself, to reveal a
primary set of contextually accurate qualitative key
phrases? In essence a process that strips away all of
the conjugative words, the if's, and's, but's..., to
reveal a bare collection of content specific keywords
(Tags) and key phrases. The patented process compares
how many times each key term is used throughout the
document and the frequency of each relevant term then
statistically ranked. The highest ranked terms are then
referenced to retrieve the most predominant examples
from the target content of how each key term has been
used. A Key phrase / Keyword extracted summary if you
will. Completed Automatically, without training (no
referential libraries used), unsupervised and solely in
context of the target content, for statistically proven,
qualitative accuracy.
This type of pure objective Automated Document
Processing gives researchers a huge leg-up on surfacing
Contextually Relevant information in fractions of the
time of today's common approaches. Objectivity is
maintained by the Doc-Tags' process because of its
engineered AI and Machine Learning patented process
replacing the use of referential libraries found in the
more common Bayesian and Heuristic approaches.
Objectivity leads to the next critical aspect of
Doc-Tags – Context. And Context is paramount.
Doc-Tags' approach is focused to the target document
being processed – referential libraries are not used so
there's zero external influence imposed upon the keyword
/ key phrase results being generated. In other words in
perfect unbiased Context. Objectivity plus Context leads
to Accuracy. Quantifiable accuracy that leads to a high
level of confidence within the research community and
why productivity can be increased up to two-fold without
impacting budgets.
For instance, the Library of Congress employs 3,096
permanent staff with an operating budget of $669.9
million (2018) responding on average to one million
requests annually from Congress, the public and other US
Federal agencies. With contextually accurate document
tagging in place, increasing the accuracy and timeliness
of subject matter research and information retrieval,
it's reasonable to project a $1 billion dollars of
productivity from nearly the same $669.93 million
appropriation. Not only is there an increase of
qualitative research, more importantly there's a
significant increase in job satisfaction due to the
increased quality of results being curated.
Using the Mueller Report as an example, DBI demonstrates
Doc-Tags v2.0 as a near perfect research assistant,
where the chapters of the Mueller Report are singled out
and each chapter then processed by Doc-Tags giving a
Quick Keyword Abstract and a detailed Key Phrase
Abstract providing the Researcher / reader with an
immediate Cliff Notes
tm style qualitative overview of even the
most complex subject matter.
Doc-Tagged Mueller Report – chapters 1 to 3 with key
phrase abstracts ... link
See an exact example – the contents of this Press
Release by Doc-Tags ... link
About DBI Technologies Inc.
DBI Technologies Inc. is an industry proven supplier of
Qualitative Text Analytic Software and Services,
Commercial Scheduling, resource planning and interface
design component software. DBI's focus is on empowering
People with Contextually Accurate Information and
application development teams with the right tools, at
the right time. DBI offers creative and innovative
solutions for customers looking to incorporate industry
leading technologies built on commercially sound
component-based architectures.